What is Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar?
In this article, we will discuss Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar.
The English name for is Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar.
In terms of quality grading, Top Imperial Beluga ranks second among the types of Beluga caviar, following Imperial Aristocratic Beluga Caviar.
Imperial Beluga Caviar (Noble or Aristocratic) is regarded as the finest type of caviar eggs in terms of consistency, size, taste, and aroma.
Generally, Imperial Beluga Caviar is classified into three quality levels:
1 . Simple Imperial Beluga Caviar
2 . Top Selection Imperial Beluga Caviar
3 . Aristocratic (Noble) Imperial Beluga Caviar
Additionally, other types of Beluga caviar include the following:
. Royal Beluga Caviar
. Diamond Beluga Caviar
. Zero Beluga Caviar 3
. Black Beluga Caviar
Another type of Beluga caviar, known as Kaluga (Chinese Beluga), is available at a lower quality and price.
The main types of caviar are categorized into the following four groups:
1 . Beluga
2 . Ossetra
3 . Sevruga
4 . Baerii
Additionally, another type of caviar, known as Sterlet Caviar, is farmed in Austria.
Caviar exports are classified into the following four grades:
1 . Imperial
2 . Royal
3 . Grade 2 (No. 2)
4 . Grade 1 (No. 1)
Export-quality Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar is of higher quality and naturally comes with a higher price.
However, due to international agreements such as the CITES Convention and Caspian Sea treaties, the export of wild caviar, including Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar from wild sources, is prohibited.
This restriction is linked to the endangered status of sturgeon fish.
As a result, all exports of Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar are exclusively from farmed sources.
Wild-caught Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar is of superior quality and consequently more expensive.
The Paradise Caviar Collection has implemented measures to offer export-quality Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar with a marine standard.
By installing cage pools within the waters of the Caspian Sea, the company allows various sturgeon species, including farmed Beluga sturgeon, to grow in natural conditions.
Thanks to the sturgeons living in their natural ecosystem, the quality of caviar eggs and sturgeon meat is on par with wild standards.
As a result, the Paradise Caviar Collection offers its caviar at marine quality but at farmed prices.
Types of Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar
Caviar comes in a relatively diverse range, including Beluga, Ossetra, Sevruga, Baerii, and Sterlet.
. Baerii Caviar is harvested from the Siberian sturgeon.
. Sevruga Caviar comes from the Starry Sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus), also known as the Long-Nosed Sturgeon.
. Beluga Caviar is derived from the Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso).
In a rare phenomenon called albinism, some Beluga sturgeons become albino. These albino sturgeons, known as Ağ Balıq (White Fish), produce the most expensive caviar called Diamond Caviar.
In the culture of Turkic peoples and the Caspian Sea nations (Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Kalmykia, and Astrakhan), Ağ Balıq or White Fish holds a mythical status.
. Ossetra Caviar is produced by species such as:
. Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus), also known as the Black-Nosed Sturgeon.
. Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), also called the Broad-Nosed Sturgeon.
. Spiny Sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris), often referred to as the Naked-Belly Sturgeon.
The finest type of Ossetra is Golden Ossetra, known for its unique honey-colored appearance and high quality.
Beluga Caviar is divided into various types, including:
. Imperial Beluga Caviar (Royal Caviar)
. Royal Beluga Caviar
. Diamond Beluga Caviar
. Triple Zero Beluga Caviar (000)
. Black Beluga Caviar
Additionally, Imperial Beluga Caviar is categorized into three quality grades:
1 . Regular Imperial Beluga
2 . Top Selection Imperial Beluga
3 . Aristocratic Imperial Beluga
The main habitats of sturgeons include the Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Siberian Sea, and Mediterranean Sea.
Furthermore, rivers such as the Yenisei, Ob, Lena, Volga, and Amur, along with the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Atlantic Sea, are considered key habitats for sturgeon species.

The Best Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar
Sea-sourced caviar is generally known for its highest quality. Export-grade caviar also boasts significantly superior standards. Thus, a combination of these two characteristics defines the finest Top Imperial Selection Beluga Caviar.
Wild caviar is only available for two months each year. Additionally, exporting sea-sourced caviar is prohibited. However, Paradise Caviar has implemented an innovative solution to merge and elevate these two quality levels.
The company uses cage farming in the Caspian Sea, raising its sturgeon under organic conditions. As a result, the quality of sturgeon meat and caviar produced by Paradise Caviar matches the premium standards of sea-sourced varieties.
Due to the ban on wild caviar exports, Paradise Caviar ensures access to the best Iranian and global caviar by cultivating their products innovatively within the Caspian Sea. This method positions their caviar as the highest-quality option among all types.
That said, the finest caviar is encapsulated in the Aristocratic or Royal Imperial Beluga Caviar variety.
Specifications and Features of Beluga Caviar Top Imperial Selection
The most important feature of Beluga Caviar Top Imperial Selection is its exceptional nutritional value and remarkable properties.
Other characteristics include large grain size, high consistency, delicious taste, pleasant aroma, and more.
The caviar grains measure from 3 mm and above (up to 3.6 mm).
A spherical shape with a smooth surface is among its physical and technical attributes.
The color of the caviar grains ranges within a spectrum of brown hues.
The firmness of the caviar eggs is determined by their countability under the tongue.
The flavor of the caviar is creamy and nutty.
Its aroma resembles the delightful scent of the sea.
Overall, Beluga caviar varieties are considered the finest examples of caviar eggs.
The most premium caviar eggs are the luxurious or imperial Beluga caviar, often referred to as royal caviar.
Benefits and Properties of Beluga Caviar Top Imperial Selection
The exceptional nutritional value of Beluga Caviar Top Imperial Selection has been previously highlighted.
But what makes this nutritional value so unique?
One of the key reasons lies in the variety of minerals present in this food.
The minerals in this seafood include phosphorus, iodine, calcium, manganese, sodium, lithium, cobalt, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium, magnesium, chromium, and more.
This seafood is also rich in various vitamin groups.
The vitamins found in caviar include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K.
The B vitamin family (from B1 to B12) is considered the primary vitamin source in this seafood.
Additionally, caviar contains three categories of proteins: cell membrane, cyclic, and structural proteins.
Other micronutrients in caviar can be categorized into three main groups: hydrophobic amino acids, polar amino acids, and charged amino acids.
The unsaturated and essential fatty acids in caviar are primarily omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids.
Caviar contains no artificial sugars, saturated fats, or carbohydrates, making it beneficial for weight loss and overall body health.
It is also regarded as a natural antibiotic.
The antioxidants in caviar act as a natural shield, preventing the harmful effects of free radicals on the human body.
Caviar consumption is effective in preventing, treating, and halting many diseases, earning it the nickname “black pearl.”
It directly contributes to meeting the body’s energy needs, especially for athletes and growing individuals.
With 28 kilocalories of energy per gram, caviar is known as an energy bomb.
Caviar promotes skin rejuvenation and helps treat conditions such as vitiligo and other skin issues (eczema, acne, blemishes, and freckles).
The collagen in caviar thickens the skin, which prevents sagging.
It makes the skin clear, bright, radiant, soft, and vibrant.
By enhancing oxygen supply and retaining moisture in hair roots and shafts, caviar also plays a significant role in preventing hair loss and restoring lost hair.
Numerous tests and experiments have shown the undeniable effects of caviar and caviar extract on the softness, vitality, shine, and manageability of hair.
These attributes have earned caviar the reputation of being the “elixir of youth.”
Its muscle-building properties are beneficial for children and adolescents.
This muscle and tissue growth characteristic makes caviar ideal for fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders.
Furthermore, caviar’s role in bone and joint development significantly aids the balanced growth of fetuses, infants, and children.